Blackjack strategy table

According to this table, you can achieve the maximum EV in classic blackjack. Use the first column to determine your cards:

  • Prefix “H” – the number of points provided there is no Ace;
  • Prefix “S” – the number of points with the presence of an Ace. The value may change as the game progresses, as an ace equals 1 or 11 points.

On the second row of the table, find the dealer's first card and choose an action:

  • Hit – draw another card;
  • Stand;
  • Double the bet and take only one card;
  • Split the hand, and then follow the strategy.
Your hand Dealer first card
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 А
H 18+ Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
H 17 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
H 16 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 15 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 14 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 13 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 12 Hit Hit Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 11 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Hit
H 10 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Hit Hit
H 9 Hit Double Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 8 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 7 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 6 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
H 5 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
S 20 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
S 19 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
S 18 Stand Double Double Double Double Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit
S 17 Hit Double Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
S 16 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
S 15 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
S 14 Hit Hit Hit Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
S 13 Hit Hit Hit Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A - A Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split
10 - 10 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
9 - 9 Split Split Split Split Split Stand Split Split Stand Stand
8 - 8 Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit
7 - 7 Split Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit
6 - 6 Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
5 - 5 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Hit Hit
4 - 4 Hit Hit Hit Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
3 - 3 Split Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit
2 - 2 Split Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit